That's a question that I am asked all the time, "was it a good show", " how was the show?"
It"s a hard question to answer sometimes. Some of the crappiest shows I have attended have brought forth fruit 3 months later when I was not even expecting it. Some of the "best" shows have fallen flat with nothing to show out of them.
How do you rate a show? If you write orders at the show it very easy to do, except for SHOT, I have never really done that much. Is it the number of cards you get? My last job graded my performance that way.
Some of the shows I had the most enjoyable time at were also the worst for sales, it's hell not to go back to those, but money talks as they say.
The shows that stand out as both well run and fun follow
Number one is the Mock Riot in WV, I always seem to get hurt somehow when I am there but it's always a good time and profitable for whomever I am representing.
Runners up in no particular order would be Trexpo East, Ileeta, Texas Tactical, AJA and NAAWS.
Shows that stand out as being a waste of time and money for the products I have sold in the past, IACP, National Sheriffs show, ACA and a few others that I wont even speak of!
The local, regional shows have also been fantastic, NC, SC and so others have been well worth the money spent. You can also do alright at the shows in Louisville, even if the show sucks you should still have a great time as that is one of the friendliest places I have been to, second only to Moundsville WV.
I have not made it west of the Mississippi too much, 5 or 6 out that way (besides Vegas, that is a place that should be on another planet) would love to hear some feedback on the "Left Coast" shows!
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