Ok, everyone always asks, " so, why do you feel the need to carry a gun with you?"
After they get up off the ground, after falling there from the head smack I gave them, I tell them it is because I read the newspaper every day. But............ That is not the whole truth
Now, here is the the real truth, you ready
Flying Monkeys
that's right, I saw the Wizard of OZ when I was very young and saw what those Godd#$@! things can do, they are hideous, and real damn scary.
So that's it, I carry a gun because of those Flying Fuc%&!# Monkeys. ( FFM's for short)
I also carry a backup gun, just in case I get some monkey juice on my primary one.
I guess the next question is, What is the best caliber handgun for repelling FFM's
My daily carry is a Glock 19 ( I know, I worked for S&W and all, but it is hard to beat the Black & Decker of handguns( Sold) Backup is a S&W model 12 nickel 38 2"(sold) and then I always have a Kel tec 32 in a pocket somewhere(sold all 3 I had). Two 17 rd mags for the 19 with a 15rd mag in it, all loaded up with Magsafe, 1 speedloader for the S&W and an extra 7 rd mag for the kel tec.( So old, I have moved up to a Springfield XD45 Tactical, a S&W 332 loaded with magsafe ammo for pocket carry, and a X26 Taser. only one extra mag for the XD, but I do have the add on battery carrier for the X26 so i have two shots there.)
Do you think this is enough, I also have a M1A-SOCOM in the truck ( replaced with a Remington 3 gun competition model 1100 12 gauge) , if I can fight my way back to it!
I now wonder how the Taser will do on FFM
Have a great Thursday
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